Carrie Underwood—Destroyer Of Families!

by David J. Stewart

Acts 13:10, “O full of all subtilty and all mischief, thou child of the devil, thou enemy of all righteousness, wilt thou not cease to pervert the right ways of the Lord?”

       Famous Country singer Carrie Underwood is a disgrace to America and to the Christianity that she exploits for fame and fortune. America has gone so deep into sin since television came along several decades ago, that it is unimaginable what is going on in our nation in 2012. The sexually immoral television, plus removing the Bible from our public schools, has created a faithless generation of spoiled brats and pleasure-seekers; which in turn have raised two generations of sodomites, ingrates and liars!

Carrie Underwood, who became famous in 2005 from her debut album's song, “JESUS TAKE THE WHEEL,” has now released a video of her recent February, 2012 hit single, “GOOD GIRL.” The video is so sexually explicit and vulgar that I can't even link to it to show you. In the following video snapshot from GOOD GIRL, Carrie Underwood is stroking her private area to excite the viewer. This image by itself doesn't show her movement, but the video clearly does...

GOOD GIRL is lascivious trash and Carrie Underwood is creating and promoting sexual perversion! God hates evil and so should we as Christians. Psalms 97:10, “Ye that love the LORD, hate evil.” Someone needs to expose these imposters who profess to be Christians, who claim to love Jesus, who sing about Jesus; but then they get up in public and take their clothes off, dancing sexually and seductively on video for all the world to see, destroying people's lives by generating lascivious lusts in the hearts of men and women. This type of sexually suggestive and offensive smut not only seduces men, but fuels the lesbian movement as well.

Proverbs 11:22, “As a jewel of gold in a swine's snout, so is a fair woman which is without discretion.”

Here's another snapshot from Carrie Underwood's video, GOOD GIRL (she's a very bad woman); and this is in fact Miss Carrie Underwood dancing. I had to convert the actual photo into a black and white image to remove the sinfulness from the video image. Carrie Underwood is only wearing garter straps and a black negligee. Those are her hands and she is dancing sensually with a cane. Someone needs to expose this wickedness on the internet in this dark world of sin...

Above: A Black & White conversion of a video snapshot from Carrie Underwood's sexually perverted video, GOOD GIRL. In the video Underwood is only wearing garter straps and a black negligee.

The video from beginning-to-end shows Carrie Underwood behaving promiscuously and shamefully, dressed like a prostitute of whoredom. This is the very same woman who knit her way into tens-of-millions of people's hearts by singing “JESUS TAKE THE WHEEL.” It is obvious that the Devil has total control of Carrie Underwood's life and career.

A common technique used in Hollywood movies and dirty sex videos is to avoid using lengthy shots that give the viewer enough time to form a complete thought. It's a trick to the mind. Bu continually showing sexually explicit scenes that only last for a second at the most, the viewer's mind doesn't have time to process the smutty scene. Only if you view the video objectively, looking for the evil, will you see what Satan is doing. It is a common practice in Hollywood (the homosexual and pedophile capital of America) to put split second images in movies that incorporate sexual orgies, graphic scenes of violence and even pedophilia. Often it's just a quick flash of certain combined images, that produce sexually suggestive thoughts into a person's mind.

Proverbs 16:2, “All the ways of a man are clean in his own eyes; but the LORD weigheth the spirits.”

By not allowing the viewer's mind enough time to dwell on the image, the brain has had an idea placed into it without allowing enough time to process it's meaning. In other words, the Devils puts a thought into your subconscious mind without your conscious mind knowing it. This is why the sex-perverted scenes in Carrie Underwood's videos are split second in length. There's a science behind human psychology and how to demoralize society through sexually promiscuous films, soap operas, videos, cartoons, commercials and sitcoms.

Sadly, Carrie Underwood has become the most successful AMERICAN IDOL contestant in the U.S. in terms of album sales, selling over 12 million units.[1] Psalm 7:11 says God is angry with the wicked every day. There's nothing more wicked than deliberately causing sexual lust to sell an album and boost ratings. Carrie Underwood has sold her soul to Satan along with the rest of the CMT, Hollywood, Las Vegas, Broadway and entertainment crowd. 1st Kings 21:20, “And Ahab said to Elijah, Hast thou found me, O mine enemy? And he answered, I have found thee: because thou hast sold thyself to work evil in the sight of the LORD.” And so it is with Carrie Underwood.

Leviticus 19:29, “Do not prostitute thy daughter, to cause her to be a whore; lest the land fall to whoredom, and the land become full of wickedness.”

Sexually Immoral Music Videos In Jesus' Name?

When a singer professes to be a Christian who loves Jesus and then makes dirty-sexy videos, they are claiming that the Lord approves of such wickedness. It can't be both ways. Either Jesus has the wheel of your life, or you do. Either you love God and hate wealth (mammon), or you love wealth and hate God. Carrie Underwood hates God. Luke 16:13, “No servant can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon.”

1st Timothy 6:10 warns that the love of money is the root of all evil. Certainly, Carrie Underwood wouldn't be strutting in her panties and high-heels, wearing lip-gloss and looking like a Broadway whore, if it weren't for the fame and fortune that she has received in return. God hates the love of money. I think Pastor Danny Castle said it best, “There's just something about money that once you have it, it has you.”

Prior to her marriage to Canadian NFL hockey player Mike Fisher of the Ottawa Senators, Carrie Underwood stated that Fisher had improved her walk with God. Improved her walk with God? What a sad testimony in view of her dirty sex videos all over the internet and television...

Carrie Underwood: My Fiancé Improved My Walk with God

Grammy-winning, country music superstar Carrie Underwood said she shares a deep Christian bond with her new fiancé, whom she credits for improving her faith.

By Jennifer Riley, Christian Post Reporter
March 2, 2010

“Mike has improved my walk with God,” Underwood told People magazine in its latest issue. “It’s important to me, because down the road, I want someone who will help shape our kids into people who make the world a better place.”

SOURCE: Carrie Underwood: My Fiancé Improved My Walk with God

Underwood is delusioned by sin. This is the typical type of double-talk that we hear from Modernists (unsaved people who pretend to be saved). Carried Underwood says she wants her kids to grow up to make the world a better place? Are you kidding? Are Underwood's sexually promiscuous videos making the world a better place? Miss Underwood is helping the Devil ruin what's left of American society. Our culture is sexually degenerate.

The Hollywood film starring Arnold Schwarzenegger, THE RUNNING MAN is one of the most vile, sexually filthy, violent and demented movies ever made. The film includes an attempted rape seen. The movie's producers said they were trying to make a movie to show how bad American television is getting. This is typical of the excuses used to justify the most vile wickedness. In Satan's world the end justifies the means, no matter how many lives are destroyed along the way. Whatever Carrie Underwood's rationalization may be, the fact is that she is pulling on the same rope as the Devil. God deliver us from this HOOTERS generation of adulterers, abortionists, homosexuals, drunkards and evildoers. Instead of making John the Baptist our hero, people idolize Elton John.

I'll tell you who my heroes are... it's the remaining hell, fire and brimstone, Bible-believing, sin-hating, people-loving, Christ-honoring, soul-winning, faithful preachers in America! My heroes aren't the deeper-life Bible scholars who never tell a soul how to be saved; my heroes are the street-preachers who are building the kingdom of God, preaching the Gospel to get sinners saved. My heroes are the prison-ministry preachers! My heroes are the preachers to the homeless! My heroes are the preachers who still have some guts and say it like it is! A genuine man of God is not swayed by the political correctness of our day, and he does not cater to the sinful agendas of our generation. A man of God preaches the Word of God! My preaching is none of my business; I preach what God tells me to preach!

A century ago Carrie Underwood would have been arrested for indecency if she walked down the street publicly as she appears in her music videos. Such wickedness and lewd behavior would not have been tolerated. Tragically, it is now acceptable in America for women to strip 95% naked in public, because most women are wearing immodest clothing, pants and shameful seductive apparel.

Carrie Underwood has been featured on the Oprah Winfrey Show numerous times, because anyone who contributes to the moral demise of America is rewarded by the Globalist-controlled media. On The Today Show, they feature trash like Lady Gaga, who looks like something the cat dragged in from out of the alley. The saddest thing of all is that the American people have predominantly become worshippers of sinful female idols like Lady Gaga, Katy Perry, Taylor Swift, Selena Gomez, Shakira, Britney Spears and Carrie Underwood. Most people idolize perverts, sexually immoral singers, lewd actors and the most sinful of heroes. This is why America is so messed up today. People's heroes are losers!

Satan's method is to push immorality to the limit, always testing the perimeter to see how far he can go. You young people need to do what I'm doing on my website... tell the world how far you WON'T go! Christians need to let everyone know exactly where they stand. No one wonders where I stand on abortion, same-sex marriage or booze. The whole world knows. Type on the internet, “Abortion is murder,” and my website ministry comes up first. I'm very proud of that in the Lord, but I wish it was a First Baptist Church or some Bible Church coming up first. In fact, I don't see hardly any churches, but thank God there are some. I'm just one guy, a nobody, but I'll gladly stand for God alone if I need to!

I have learned that God calls a man and not a committee, and then a man leads a group. Thank God for all those (and there are many all around the world) who are coming to Jesus Christ and doing a great work for God because of this ministry. I'm a modern-day John the Baptist—a voice crying in the wilderness of cyberspace (and so are you if you're preaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ). Soul-winning is not a method; it is a command (Matthew 28:19-20; Proverbs 11:30).

Pride Is The Root Of All Wickedness

Pride is the cause of all sin, because when we choose to sin, we are placing ourselves in the place of God in our life. Instead of allowing God to rule over our life, we dethrone God in our heart and place self upon the throne. This is the sin of IDOLATRY, as we learn in Colossians 3:1-6...

Colossians 3:1-6, If ye then be risen with Christ, seek those things which are above, where Christ sitteth on the right hand of God. Set your affection on things above, not on things on the earth. For ye are dead, and your life is hid with Christ in God. When Christ, who is our life, shall appear, then shall ye also appear with him in glory. Mortify therefore your members which are upon the earth; fornication, uncleanness, inordinate affection, evil concupiscence, and covetousness, which is idolatry: For which things' sake the wrath of God cometh on the children of disobedience.”

As a professed Christian, Miss Underwood ought to be mortifying her body, putting it on a lease instead of allowing it to gyrate uncontrollably all over national television. Colossians 3:5 commands all believers (not just Carrie) to mortify (subdue) the flesh. The flesh is as a wild animal that cannot be tamed (Romans 7:14-25). The ungodly don't even try to subdue their flesh; but rather, seek to commit immorality. The sad thing is that even if Miss Underwood decided to repent and get right with God next year, her videos would still perpetuate and continue to destroy families, as part of a signed contract with the music company. That's just sad.

It doesn't matter if everyone is doing it, it is disobedience to the Scriptures and God will punish every evildoer. Immodest clothing in public is a sin (1st Timothy 2:9). If lust is a sin, then deliberately causing lust is a sin too (Matthew 5:28). Proverb:16:5, “Every one that is proud in heart is an abomination to the LORD: though hand join in hand, he shall not be unpunished.” It doesn't matter if every woman in America becomes a feminist—undressing in public like a prostitute, being boisterous and impudent, fornicating, divorcing and having abortions—the Bible promises that each and every one of them will be PUNISHED. Ecclesiastes 12:14, “For God shall bring every work into judgment, with every secret thing, whether it be good, or whether it be evil.”

Feminism is rebellion against God's Authority—whether the Bible directly, or in the marriage and home. Whether Underwood realizes it or not, her boisterous and impudent mannerisms are feminist to the core. 1st Timothy 2:9, “In like manner also, that women adorn themselves in modest apparel, with shamefacedness and sobriety; not with broided hair, or gold, or pearls, or costly array.” I tell you the truth, it don't think there are more than 10,000 decent women left in America today (that's about 1-in-3,000 women). I mean God-fearing women that obey 1st Timothy 2:9 and try to emulate the virtuous woman in Proverbs 31. It is shameful to see all these bimbo idiots on TV that are complete air-heads, beautiful outwardly, but with “I'm a vicious home-wrecking fool” written all over them. They're willing to serve God, just so long as it doesn't become an inconvenience to them. They're not truly saved, but steeped in religion.

The Bible teaches for women to be shamefaced in public, showing their reverence and fear for the Lord. Hebrews 12:28, “Wherefore we receiving a kingdom which cannot be moved, let us have grace, whereby we may serve God acceptably with reverence and godly fear.” I love that Scripture! Every believer ought to have reverence and godly fear. If we fear God and reverence Him, then we will obey His Commandments and consider everything that we say and do in our life. Carrie Underwood does not fear God, for if she did she'd never publickly dress seductively in bedroom attire that only her husband should behold.

Carrie Underwood masquerades as a Christian who loves Jesus, but she is serving the Devil. I am not condemning Miss Underwood, for we are all sinners in God's sight (Ecclesiastes 7:20; Romans 3:10). No one is without sin. We are all woeful sinners. If you think you are a small sinner and not as bad as others, then you are deceived concerning the Word of God. James 2:10, “For whosoever shall keep the whole law, and yet offend in one point, he is guilty of all.” You and I are as sinful as anybody else in God's sight when it comes to our need for salvation.

Country Music Television's (CMT) House Of Shame

Carrie Underwood adorns herself in high-heels with the attire of a stripper in a whore house. Country Music Television (CMT) is pending making Underwood's dirty GOOD GIRL the video of the year! Country music has always been synonymous with sexual immorality and divorce, going back even to the filthy days of HEE HAW with the hypocrites Roy Clark and his dirty-minded buddy, Buck Owens. And don't forget their frequent honored guest, Mr. Porn himself, Hugh Hefner. The HEE HAW honey's (whores) ruined millions of families.

Only God knows how many drunkard fathers are going to rape their little girl because of Carrie Underwood's sex-perverted, crotch-stroking, degenerate video! Only God knows how many husbands are going to cheat on their wives because of Carrie Underwood's raunchy sex video, GOOD GIRL. She's not a good girl, not at all. The evil scum that produce videos like GOOD GIRL always have a seemingly innocent, alterior motive. It's all bull crap! They are evil scum and produce filth like this to make money, period... because SEX SELLS!!! What price are you willing to pay for sin?


Prostitutes sell themselves on the street because they are poor and have hungry children, or because they are addicted to illegal drugs and need to support their drug habit. Carrie Underwood is a multi-millionaire whom God has blessed with more provisions than she could ever need, yet she spits in God's face by behaving like a sleazy whore on television and the internet in her music videos. Shame on Underwood for exposing herself in her underwear! If God is going to judge the poor prostitute on the street who seduces men, then don't doubt for a moment that God is going to judge wealthy singers who seduce the souls of men in greed for more money. God will not be mocked!

Underwood struts whorishly to the rockish beat of today's so-called “Country” music that is actually Rock music. The screeching electric guitars, driving rockish drums, open sexual immorality and rebellion are all inherent to the Devil's music. Taylor Swift and hundreds more have all sold out to Satan. I sincerely believe that we are living in the End Times. The Lord's return cannot be too far away.

The homosexual community threatened to break Lot's front door down and rape the angels from Heaven in Lot's home (Genesis 19:1-11). Lot offered the sodomites his daughters instead. The angels struck the homosexuals with blindness. God burned the city to the ground, burying it under millions of tons of molten sulfur! Archaeologists have now found and identified Sodom and the four other cities which God buried under lava. Do you think America will escape such harsh judgment from God?

On the contrary, The Bible warns that the fiery destruction of Sodom was an example of what God will do to all the wicked in the Lake of Fire. Jude 1:7,18-19, “Even as Sodom and Gomorrha, and the cities about them in like manner, giving themselves over to fornication, and going after strange flesh, are set forth for an example, suffering the vengeance of eternal fire. ... How that they told you there should be mockers in the last time, who should walk after their own ungodly lusts. These be they who separate themselves, sensual, having not the Spirit.” Carrie Underwood needs to find Jesus!

It is tragic that the cry of faithful preachers (who are preaching aloud against the sexual immorality of this vile generation) is being drowned-out by the cheer of the idolizing fans of the singers. In case this matters may seem trifle to you, consider that GOOD GIRL has so far received 4,158,808 hits on YouTube. I'm lucky if I receive 100 hits on an uploaded sermon by a mighty preacher like Brother Lester Roloff or Dr. Jack Hyles. Very few people have the character to listen to preaching, but Titus 1:3 says that's how we learn the Word of God.

All-American Feminist Whore

Carrie Underwood's “ALL-AMERICAN GIRL” video has received 11,679.871. It is a shame. There are several thousand sermons on YouTube that no one cares about. This wicked generation wants to watch some fool, and that's what Carrie Underwood is... a traitorous fool to God. It makes God wants to vomit (Revelation 3:15-16) when Underwood speaks on national TV about her closer walk with God, and her faith in Jesus Christ, while she goes out and takes her clothes off, dressing sensually for all the world to see in ways that only Mike Fisher (her husband) ought to be viewing. I'm a born-again Christian and I have a right to my opinion (which by the way, agrees with God's opinion that women should keep their clothes on in 1st Timothy 2:9). I'd like to hear what lame excuse Carrie Underwood and her handlers have for justifying whorish, promiscuous, lascivious videos. Underwood's videos are soft porn. What next, Playboy?

Put Your Clothes Back On!

All American girl? Tragically, Carrie Underwood represents the all-American whore these days.

America's preachers today are gutless! The dire need of the hour is preaching preachers! There's nothing wrong in our nation today that couldn't be remedied by a generation brought up hearing the Word of God (Romans 10:17). One generation is all it takes to ruin a nation or heal a nation. You're not going to hear the truth on TV. You're not going to hear the truth in public schools or state universities. You'll hear the truth in the Word of God in the Bible. I am preaching the Bible! I am not trying to be unkind, but someone needs to stand up and say, “Carries Underwood's GOOD GIRL video is sinful and destructive to society!” It needs to be banned!

It does not surprise me in a nation where 53,000,000 women have chosen death instead of life for their own biological child, that the same women would raise daughters and sons to embrace every form of wickedness imaginable... including same-sex marriage, pornography, false religion, apostasy, dirty television, booze, casino gambling, evolution, feminism, corrupt Bibles, divorce-remarriage, lying, nasty literature, nudity, idolatry, stealing, gossiping and every form of wickedness!!! The apple doesn't fall far from the tree. Yesterday's Bible-rejecting generation has begat today's sin-embracing generation. This generation is without morals.

In March of 2012 ABC television debuted a new sitcom titled, GCB (Good Christian Bitches). Time Warner owns a host of perverted media venues and projects, including DANCE MOMS. America is already far worse than Sodom and Gomorrah ever could have been. They didn't have a Bible in Sodom, but we have the completed Word of God. We are without excuse today.

We Are Living In Wicked Times

When I was in Hawaii in 2011 at Waikiki Beach. I was playing my steel guitar, but I stopped because it began to rain. I went under a public shelter, waiting for the rain to stop. A couple in their late 50's came up to compliment my guitar playing. They were from the northeast coast of the mainland. I think they said Connecticut. I was in much neck pain and after 20-minutes had to close my eyes as I was talking. The man's wife immediately turned around and walked away, but her husband told her to come back saying, “We started this conversation, let's finish it.” That made me feel like a person. He was a good man at heart. I think his wife got scared. If you've never had pain so bad that it causes you to close your eyes, then you can't possibly understand. It's constant agonizing pain where the bone is at in back of my neck. I've had it 24 hours a day since March of 2004.

So we talked and they offered to help me carry me things back to the hotel where I was saying. I declined, but they said their hotel was right on the way and insisted, so I agreed. We stopped across the street at a place called Wolfgang's restaurant and sat outside. I got some water and took my Oxycontin to kill the pain. After 20-minutes I felt better and we headed for the hotel. We sat in the hotel lobby and talked for about 45-minutes. I enjoyed talking with them. His wife offered in front of her husband to help bring my things up to my room and I said “no,” because that was odd to me.

After 5-minutes, while looking at me she started to pull her skirt up to seduce me and her husband literally reached over and pulled her skirt back down. I acted like I hadn't seen anything to avoid embarrassing her husband. He had addressed the matter with his firm hand pulling her skirt back down, which spoke volumes. He was in control. They were swingers evidently, but the man knew I had talked with them about God and they had the wrong guy. We finished our conversation and I was kind to them. I didn't condemn them. I didn't degrade them, nor say “shame on you.” I simply shared my faith with them and I treated them like friends. Jesus called Judas “friend.”

On the internet I am a preacher and this website is my pulpit, but if you met me in public I would be kind, gentle and understanding. I would not condemn you. I would share my Christian faith with you and try to help you. For those who look beyond my preaching and see my heart, you know that I love others with Christ's love. Romans 10:1, “Brethren, my heart's desire and prayer to God for Israel is, that they might be saved.”

I Don't Condemn Anyone

We are saved by Christ's righteousness, and not be any goodness of our own. Salvation is the gift of God. Jesus died, was buried and rose from the dead for our sins (1st Corinthians 15:1-4). My friend, if you believe that Jesus is the Christ, the only begotten Son of God Who died, was buried and rose again for your sins, and you've made that your hope for Heaven by believing on His name, then you are a born-again child of God. The Gospel plus our faith plus nothing equals salvation.

I am not trying to be unkind, not at all. Someone needs to stand up for God and say, “This is wrong!” Sin causes people to become weak, to go along to get along; but a true believer that has been in the presence of our holy God cannot help but cry aloud against sin and evil. “Who will rise up for me against the evildoers? or who will stand up for me against the workers of iniquity?” (Psalm 94:16).

Having said that, as a God-fearing Christian, I am exposing Carrie Underwood for exposing herself sensually in public. Carrie needs to put her clothes back on! The video GOOD GIRL is so disgusting that it is amongst a new generation of music videos that are taking the industry to a new moral low. Carrie Underwood's open display of sensuality and sexual promiscuity is destructive to our nation's moral integrity and to families around the world. “Sex sells” is more than a popular cliché, it has become a way of life in this immoral hellish nation.

Oh, listen my friend, sin always leaves you worse than it found you. Sin always takes you further than you wanted to go, costs you more than you intended to pay, and keeps you longer than you planned to stay. Bread of deceit is sweet for a season, but the ends thereof are the ways of death. Proverbs 20:17, “Bread of deceit is sweet to a man; but afterwards his mouth shall be filled with gravel.”

John 12:43, "For they loved the praise of men more than the praise of God."

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Carrying Your Cross  |  Christian Separation

Entertainment Christians  |  Inoculated Christianity  |  Devil's Music

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